Lining up the 2025 Season!




BMGC Membership for the 2025 Season


$150 Initiation Fee

* BMGC Membership

* CGA Cost

* USGA Membership / Index

* One time buy-in to the hole-in-one pool

* Prize Pool for Season Long Z Cup (paid in clubhouse credit)

* Prize Pool for Club Championship


Tournament / Event Fees


$10 - Regular Tournament Entry Fee

* Invoice sent after tournament sign-up.

* Covers event prize pool (paid out in clubhouse credit)


$15 - Major Tournament Entry Fee

* Covers prize pool (paid out in clubhouse credit)


Thursday Events

* $5 optional cash buy-in. Payouts in cash.


Match Play Championship

*$20 Buy-in.

* Play goes throughout the entire season 
* Compete match at any course you want 
* Further details to be provided once season starts
Skins Games
* $10 Cash Buy-in.
* Optional event.
* Available during Regular and Major Tournaments.